Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dropped from Heaven

I am filled with gratitude today....just four short years ago, I was sitting on my bentwood rocker in my basement holding a doll I had saved from one of my girl's childhood...crying and wailing about when would I ever get to experience being a grandmother.  Well, I guess the Universe heard me in no uncertain terms and granted my wish x four!!! Last night, my daughters in Ottawa presented me with grandchild number four, his name yet to be decided upon, at 10:36 and weighing a very healthy 9 lbs. 3 oz.  Everyone is doing well and I am the most blessed Grammie in the world!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I love Spring!

 I am feeling so energized now and excited!  I have several projects on the go and have put plans in motion for my working vacation in Spain in the fall.  In the meantime, I am writing...which is my great passion.  I am writing a book for Kevin Hennessy and together we are interviewing some very inspiring people who will be featured with Kevin in his book. I will be attending Retreat at Crystal Andrus' place on April 9th and that is a source of great inspiration to me.  I especially love the spring retreat at her place.  I have been listening to several speakers over the 40 days of lent and been gathering information from all sources male and female.  It is a time of great growth for me.  Physically, I have really been cultivating some healthy eating practises and can honestly say I am getting a "handle" on my love handles and belly fat at last.  Through a combination of Skinny B cereal and replacing margarine with extra virgin coconut oil and employing techniques from the Thalassotherapy course I took in Picton, I am seeing such improved health in my skin, my hair, my overall well-being with more mental acuity as well. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sheena and the Sugar Shack

If you received a letter from me this weekend with some incredible gifts please take a look at it carefully.  It was too good an offer for me not to share with you.   I have had an amazing weekend so far.  On Saturday night I interviewed Kevin Hennessy for the book I am writing about him.  We uncovered some incredible insights and developed a fascinating course of action.  Stay tuned on that.  Today, I took my dog Sheena to meet her mate "Yogi" and to romp around in the mud at my friend Gina's sugar shack.  There were lots of other dogs, kids, and adults and we all had a great time!  Thank you Gina!  I am off now to cuddle my twin granddaughters and then bring my grandson Evan home for a sleepover.  It has been a beautiful weekend!

The SWAT Institute is celebrating its 1 year anniversary and the 100th year anniversary of International Women’s Day with a beautiful and inspiring gift package from some of the most influential women in the world of empowerment and self-discovery! Click here to get yours today: [http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4230147]

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Power of Touch

My   twin granddaughters were born on February 5th and although a month early, were a healthy 5 lbs.12 oz. and 5lb. 14 oz.   Savannah latched right away and nursed without problem.  Sierra, who had the lower weight was having respiratory issues and was not absorbing her nutrition.  At two days old, I administered reflexology on her tiny feet in the areas of lung and digestive system.  The next day, the breathing and feeding tubes were removed and Sierra continues to thrive.  It is interesting to note that Sierra slept through the treatment and yet the nurse came over and told me to stop “irritating” her.  I of course obeyed her, knowing that I had already administered a good treatment.  I have been practicing reflexology since being certified in 1991 at the Holt School of Reflexology.  My oldest patient to date was 95 and my youngest, my granddaughter as mentioned was two days old.  I have since administered reflexology on her twin, Savannah who was having gas and cramps and strained bowel movements.  I worked extensively in the area of her digestion using a rolling motion with my index fingers while holding the top of her little feet with my thumbs, occasionally sweeping my thumbs across the top of her feet to her toes.  Her hiccups ceased and she fell into a very restful sleep as I continued to work on her. It makes me proud to know that I can help with the power of touch.  My trademark slogan for twenty years has been “Give Your Feet a Hand”.  Diane Lyndon RRPr, Trenton, Ontario

The Power of Touch

Where I Am~Where I Am Going

I had the insatiable urge to write today.  On Friday, I took a look back in the pages of my message forum journal and marveled at all the amazing shifts I have made since I began to follow the teachings of Crystal Andrus.  With each telecourse I have completed, another layer of masks have been shed.  I have spent the past three months in self-love which is miles away from the self-loathing I used to dwell in.  I finally get it.  Oh, I am still working on the financial aspects and why I don’t believe I should live comfortably.  Those answers should come in the next weeks of this 12 week Mind-Body-Soul Transformational telecourse. Then, I tell you…look out.  I will totally be living my authentic self with a great surge of power.  I am actually looking forward to the end of April which will bring my 57th birthday.  I have finally grasped the notion that emotions need to be dealt with, and rather than stuff them down with food late at night, I actually feel them, acknowledge them, and then deal with them. I am no longer in a “funk” of denial. 
I have had a great breakthrough in the area of relationships.  Oh, I thought I was going to slip slide down that narrow path to accepting someone else’s unacceptable behavior, doing something to please someone else and not standing up for myself.  But, at the last minute, I held my ground.  I spoke my truth and I stood up for my rights as a woman;  the right not to have degrading things whispered to me , offensive emails sent to me or my body not worshipped the way it should be.  Time was when I would have just gone along with it and then taken on the guilt.  For the first time, I regarded my body as a mind/body/spirit unit and I protected this lovely temple that I have been given guardianship of in this lifetime.
I have confided in the Universe that I am ready for a relationship again but could it please be the right one this time and not a test.  I was pretty quick to figure out that the last person I dated was not Mr. Right and in fact definitely not Mr. Right for me. He seemed to be a compilation of every Mr. Wrong I have dated or married and I guess the Universe just wanted to make sure I could see the red flags now! I sure did and now, I am filled with gratitude.  I am grateful for this heart, this body, these hands and this lap that can cozily rock my grandbabies in pure sweet love.  I am grateful for all my beautiful female friends in the message forum who tell their stories and show their courage right along there with their vulnerabilities and who understand and appreciate the true value of compassion and support.  I am blessed to be right where I am right now and to be able to offer the insights I have gained through my trials.  It is an honor to walk with you on our journey to empowerment.

For more information on how I have come to this point, check out this link:
http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?af=1323691  You will find many amazing gifts here.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Oh the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person;
having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pour them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together;
knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them,
keep what is worth keeping,
and then with the breath of kindness, blow the rest away.

~Author Unknown